

Seth McAllister

Originally from Hood River, Oregon, USA – born in 1981. Seth grew up loving and enjoying the great outdoors. He first visited Japan in 2003, and in 2005, relocated to Norikura Kogen, (Nagano prefecture).

After working as an outdoor instructor for 8 years, founded McAllister Idea Lab in 2016, aiming to “create space for dignified interaction and exchange among diverse groups of people”.

Currently Involved in community development facilitation, primarily in the Chubusangaku National Park region. Also engaged in various business activities, including photography, graphic design, and other PR direction. 

Developed training content focusing on successful companies, innovators, and leaders on the American West Coast, emphasizing the impact of using empathy to motivate people and create value together. Pioneered bringing this content to Japan. 

Currently enjoying life in beautiful Norikura Kogen with his wife and five children.

1981年生まれ。アメリカ・オレゴン州フッドリバー出身。大自然の中で存分に遊んで育つ。 2003年に初来日、2005年に乗鞍高原に移住。アウトドアインストラクターを8年間勤めた後、2016年にマカリスター考務店を起業し独立。「多様な人々が尊厳を持って交流・交換する場づくりを創設する」を掲げ、中部山岳国立公園地域を中心に地域づくりに関わるファシリテーションの他、写真やグラフィック関連のディレクション等を通したプロモーション活動など、様々な事業を展開中。


