There is an endless flow of content on the topic of leadership. You could literally spend the rest of your life studying leadership and still never be sure you were doing it right because a lot of people think that there is a right and therefore wrong way to do it. Over the past few…
There comes a time when you have to make a choice to fight or flight. And to fight doesn’t always mean to be violent. There are plenty of good things worth fighting for. In any organization, there are issues that need to be resolved in order to see the vision through. And I believe the…
Organizations may help people relate, but nobody has a relationship with an organization. Relationships are meant to be personal and full of life. Relationships are something people have with other people. Yes, I know some people seem to have an unhealthy relationship with their job or with money but thats not what I’m talking about.…
People seek out all kinds of ways to relate. Music, movies, and sports, the list could go on and on because it’s infinite really. With the internet, companies are spending fortunes to invent new ways to “relate” to your friends and to them. So why is this important? It’s important because relating to people is…
“Only YOU Can Prevent Forest Fires” “Be All That You Can Be” You have probably heard these said slogans and they stick with us because they speak to something deep within each of us. Yes, they are clever marketing copy but they can also help us identify something in us that desires to get involved,…
Studying things is one way to learn about something. You can observe it and take lots of notes on its size and shape or even is color and smell. But it will not mean that you actually know it. That’s because knowing is based on something deeper and more profound. It’s about something sacred and…
Presents are a dime a dozen these days and most of them are probably found on Presents are funny things. One of the funny things about them is that a lot of the time they are not needed and may not even be wanted. Yet people keep buying presents. Presents for dads and presents…
When people go snowboarding or skiing the goal is not to see how many times you can ride the chairlift. The goal is to have fun. Riding the lift, rope toe, or hiking is just a necessary consequence of the activity. In business and in life there are many situations we can apply this thinking…
幸せな新年をお祈りしています。 2019年はアドベンチャーとチャレンジ、そして愛をもって楽しい一年を過ごしましょう。