Fall Colors

  • Got a few nice shots with some morning light on my way down the mountain this morning at the Midono Dam. This is one of 3 dams on the Azusa River flowing from the Northern Japanese Alps down through Matsumoto and eventually out the the Japan Sea.

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  • Thick Frost

    This morning we woke to a think blanket of frost on the ground. We are expecting our first snow in the village this week, time to put on the winter tires.

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  • I decided to take the kids out for a little walk/bike this morning while mommy had a meeting with a friend. We got some fresh snow on Mount Norikura last night and it made for some nice contrast.

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  • Ichinose Meadow, located about 3km from the Norikura Kogen Visitors Center is a wonderful place to enjoy the fall colors. On this day I went there with my wife and two of our children to enjoy the beauty of God’s wonderful creation.

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  • Shirahone Onsen is just a short drive from Norikura Kogen and offers some nice Onsen baths and this time of year the fall colors do not disappoint.

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  • The colors up on Mount Norikura are slowly transitioning down to the highlands of Norikura Kogen. Next week should be amazing.

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  • We got up and enjoyed the pre-peak fall colors on Mount Norikura as we hiked down from Daisekeguchi to Kuraigahara Sanso.

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  • Mountain Biking is one of my favorite things to do in Norikura Kogen. There are some good off-road trails and a pretty large network of cycling paths that can be used to explore the area.

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  • This year’s Norikura Outdoor Festival was blessed with amazing weather and a great group of outdoor lovers who came out to enjoy the beauty of the Japanese Alps.

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