It’s time to step it up with SA (Snowboard Attendants) this season. The project my friend Michiyo Hashimoto and I started talking about two seasons ago is slowly starting to take shape.

I am a leadership development trainer. I believe people are sacred and worth more than anything. Even when we try making a good program, method, or organization, it will still come down to (sacred) people in the end. People offer the most potential for growth and should be lovingly developed to their full potential. Using rules, policies, or money to solve problems is at best a superficial approach and will never produce long term results.
Based on this sacred factor that people are the most valuable entity, we aim to help people know who they were uniquely made to be, to connect people with other people in a non-status driven way and make a substantial contribution to society through spreading the joy of snowboarding (YOKONORI).
“Ride well, Live well”
We are planning to hold an SA clinic in Norikura this season. If you are interested in joining please let us know.
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