
  • People like being in the know. People like it so much that they use knowing more of something or knowing something before others as power. They think it gives them some kind of credibility but it’s not true. Knowledge is important and we should never stop learning. But have you ever said “that person is…

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  • A Powerful Force

    The more empathy I have, the less annoying other people are.

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  • Have you ever been walking somewhere familiar and see something you’ve never seen before? Maybe you had walked that same street or path 100 times and always took care to look where you were going but never saw anything interesting before. But on the right days and in the right light and at just the…

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  • If you have a problem, it will stay a problem unless it’s solved. In order to solve the problem you first must understand the issues and make sense of it so you can then try solving it. But no one problem is like another and no one solution works for everything. All that to say,…

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  • Too popular

    There is “popular” and then there is “too popular”. Popular is not bad. There are lots of really good things that are popular. Like chocolate and vanilla ice cream. They are the most popular ice cream flavors and that’s good. I don’t think anyone would argue that they are too popular. So what is too…

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  • As I was browsing the boys pants section of Costco an older man stopped me to ask how many kids I had. At that moment I had 3 of our boys with me and that seemed to have caught his attention. I proceeded to tell him that I have 4 sons and a daughter. He…

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  • People love to tell each other what they want, and so do mediocre marketers. And a lot of them also spend excessive amounts of time and money trying to convince you of what you want as well. Case in point, the Slap Chopper. Average marketers love to find ways of convincing people they want that…

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  • 今年Snowboard Attendants(SA)が次のステップに行くように頑張ります。2シーズン前友人Michiyo Hashimotoと一緒に考えた事が少しずつ形になって来ています。SBN記事はこちら 僕はリーダー育成をしています。人づくりはどんな事よりも尊いと思っています。どんな良いプログラム・方法・組織を作ろうとしても最終的に人に掛かって来ます。人は一番可能性のある財産です。ルール、ポリシー、お金で解決することは表面的なことしかできません。 人は尊い存在であるという価値観を元にして、自分探し、人と人の関係、そして人と社会の関係をスノーボードのヨコノリ感覚や知識が刺激と貢献になる事を狙います。 “Ride well, Live well” 今シーズン乗鞍でもSAクリニックを開催したいと思っています。興味のある方声をおかけください。

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  • It’s time to step it up with SA (Snowboard Attendants) this season. The project my friend Michiyo Hashimoto and I started talking about two seasons ago is slowly starting to take shape. I am a leadership development trainer. I believe people are sacred and worth more than anything. Even when we try making a good…

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