
  • I have heard the words vision, purpose, mission, and core values thrown around a lot. I think the word vision is used most though. Probably because it sounds cool and invokes a sense of a new future just waiting to be built. Don’t get me wrong, a clear vision is really important. And so is…

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  • You run into a friend that you haven’t seen in a while in the checkout lane. You chat about the weather, what you have been doing and then before you know it, out comes the b word. Before you know it you have used it 10 times as you talk about work, family and the…

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  • If you wake up every day with a finite outcome as your only goal, I think it’s fair to say that your life will be not only predictable but also decidedly difficult. Why is will it be difficult? It will be difficult because most things in life just don’t work that way. Most things in…

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  • Compliance is good for productivity but that might not be what most people are looking for when it comes to uncovering a deeper meaning in life or in a workplace. What most people are longing for is connection and belonging. When you ask people to comply, it’s all about obligation. And obligating people to perform has…

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  • The one-hit wonder is an inevitable byproduct of pop charts. The term is most prevalent in the music industry but can apply to other things or people. Have you heard Chumbawamba? Or maybe I should ask if you have heard of Tubthumping because that was their one-hit wonder? Creating one-hit wonders probably keeps some people…

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  • One way to lead people is to obligate them to follow. It’s not hard to do. Just give someone a job description and a pay check and you have obligated someone to that said responsibility. A better way to lead people is to tell them a good story and invite them to join a team…

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  • There is looking and they’re seeing. And I think there is an important difference that needs to be understood. To look at something is to focus on it, observe it for what it is, where it is. But to see something or more importantly, someone is to know them, to begin to stand in their…

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  • I don’t think people are to be studied or observed from a distance. People have a deep-rooted desire to be known and to know others. The trouble with this is that to be know requires us to let down our guard and be honest about who we are and where we have come from. The beautiful…

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